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Список XEP — расширений протокола XMPP.

Оригинал: http://xmpp.org/extensions/all.shtml
Сведения о расширениях даны по состоянию на 31 октября 2010 г. и к настоящему моменту могут быть устаревшими.

Номер Название Тип Статус
XEP-0001 XMPP Extension Protocols
This document defines the standards process followed by the XMPP Standards Foundation.
Расширения протокола XMPP
Процесс обсуждения и утверждения стандартов, используемый XSF.
Процедурное Действующее

XEP-0002 Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
A definition of Special Interest Groups within the XMPP Standards Foundation.
Специальные группы
Действие специальных групп в рамках XSF.
Процедурное Действующее

XEP-0003 Proxy Accept Socket Service (PASS)
This document defines a method for relaying media via proxies on the Jabber/XMPP network.
Пересылка данных через прокси-серверы
Историческое Отменённое

XEP-0004 Data Forms
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for data forms that can be used in worklows such as service configuration as well as for application-specific data description and reporting. The protocol includes lightweight semantics for forms processing (such as request, response, submit, and cancel), defines several common field types (boolean, list options with single or multiple choice, text with single line or multiple lines, single or multiple JabberIDs, hidden fields, etc.), provides extensibility for future data types, and can be embedded in a wide range of applications. The protocol is not intended to provide complete forms-processing functionality as is provided in the W3C XForms technology, but instead provides a basic subset of such functionality for use by XMPP entities.
Формы ввода-вывода данных
Расширение протокола XMPP для форм ввода-вывода данных, которые могут быть использованы в таких техпроцессах, как настройка служб или отображение и отправка данных в различных приложениях. Протокол включает легковесные языковые расширения для обработки форм (такие, как запрос, ответ, отправка и отмена), определяет несколько общих типов полей (логический, список вариантов с единственным или множественным выбором, однострочный или многострочный текст, один или много JID, скрытые поля и др.), предоставляет возможности расширения для будущих типов данных и может быть встроен в самые разные приложения. Протокол не даёт исчерпывающего описания функций обработки форм, в отличие от технологии W3C XForms, предоставляя вместо этого базовое подмножество таких функций для использования сущностями XMPP.
Основное Окончательное

XEP-0005 Jabber Interest Groups
This is the official list and summary information of the Jabber Interest Groups.
Официальный список и краткие сведения о группах обсуждения Jabber.
Информационное Отменённое

XEP-0006 Profiles
A proposal for a more powerful and extensible protocol for the management of personal information within Jabber.
Предложение более мощного и расширяемого протокола управления персональной информацией в Jabber.
Формирование SIG Отменённое

XEP-0007 Conferencing SIG
A proposal for a Jabber Interest Group that will discuss the protocol for implementing many-to-many communications.
Предложение для SIG, в котором обсуждается протокол, реализующий сообщение по принципу многие-ко-многим (конференции).
Предложение SIG Отменённое

XEP-0008 IQ-Based Avatars
This specification provides historical documentation of an IQ-based protocol for exchanging user avatars.
Аватары через IQ
Исторический протокол обмена пользовательскими аватарами через IQ.
Историческое Отложенное

XEP-0009 Jabber-RPC
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for transporting XML-RPC encoded requests and responses between two XMPP entities. The protocol supports all syntax and semantics of XML-RPC except that it uses XMPP instead of HTTP as the underlying transport.
Удалённый вызов процедур через Jabber
Расширение протокола XMPP для передачи запросов и ответов XML-RPC между двумя сущностями XMPP. Протокол полностью поддерживает синтаксис и семантику XML-RPC с тем лишь исключением, что в качестве нижележащего транспортного протокола используется не HTTP, а XMPP.
Основное Окончательное

XEP-0010 Whiteboarding SIG
A proposal to form a SIG to develop a protocol for whiteboarding over Jabber.
Формирование SIG Отменённое

XEP-0011 Jabber Browsing
This document defines a way to describe information about Jabber entities and the relationships between entities. Note: This document is superseded by XEP-0030: Service Discovery.
Историческое Отменённое

XEP-0012 Last Activity
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating information about the last activity associated with an XMPP entity. It is typically used by an IM client to retrieve the most recent presence information from an offline contact by sending a last activity request to the server that hosts the account controlled by the contact.
Основное Окончательное

XEP-0013 Flexible Offline Message Retrieval
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for flexible, POP3-like handling of offline messages. The protocol enables a connecting client to retrieve its offline messages on login in a controlled fashion, without receiving a flood of messages. Messages can also be left on the server for later retrieval.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0014 Message Tone
A proposal for including the sender's tone in messages.
Основное Отклонённое

XEP-0015 Account Transfer
A proposal for enabling the ability to transfer an account from one Jabber server to another.
Основное Отклонённое

XEP-0016 Privacy Lists
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for enabling or disabling communication with other entities on a network. The protocol, which was first standardized in Section 10 of RFC 3921, can be used to block communication with unknown or undesirable entities. Blocking can be based on Jabber Identifier, subscription state, or roster group. The blocked stanzas can be messages, IQs, inbound or outbound presence stanzas, or all stanzas. The protocol also enables an entity to create, modify, or delete its privacy lists, apply different lists to different connected resources, define a default list, and decline the use of any privacy list during a particular communications session.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0017 Naive Packet Framing Protocol
An intermediate method for more efficient framing of the Jabber XML Stream.
Информационное Отклонённое

XEP-0018 Invisible Presence
Documentation of invisible presence.
Информационное Отклонённое

XEP-0019 Streamlining the SIGs
This document proposes to streamline the existing Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
Процедурное Действующее

XEP-0020 Feature Negotiation
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables two entities to mutually negotiate feature options, such as parameters related to a file transfer or a communications session.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0021 Jabber Event Notification Service (ENS)
A generic publish-and-subscribe service for Jabber.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0022 Message Events
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension used to request and respond to events relating to the delivery, display, and composition of messages. Note: This specification has been obsoleted in favor of XEP-0085 and XEP-0184.
Историческое Отменённое

XEP-0023 Message Expiration
This specification documents an historical protocol that was used to specify expiration dates for messages; this protocol has been deprecated in favor of XEP-0079: Advanced Message Processing.
Историческое Отменённое

XEP-0024 Publish/Subscribe
A publish-subscribe protocol for Jabber.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0025 Jabber HTTP Polling
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables access to a Jabber server from behind firewalls which do not allow outgoing sockets on port 5222, via HTTP requests.
Историческое Отменённое

XEP-0026 Internationalization (I18N)
NOTE WELL: this document was retracted on 2003-11-05 since the topic is addressed definitively in XMPP Core. Please refer to XMPP Core for further information.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0027 Current Jabber OpenPGP Usage
This document outlines the current usage of OpenPGP for messaging and presence.
Историческое Действующее

XEP-0028 No Such XEP
This document was removed from the XSF website and source control at the request of the author.
Нет расширения
Этот документ был удалён с сайта XSF и из-под управления версиями по запросу автора.
Информационное Отозванное

XEP-0029 Definition of Jabber Identifiers (JIDs)
This document defines the exact nature of a Jabber Identifier (JID).
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0030 Service Discovery
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for discovering information about other XMPP entities. Two kinds of information can be discovered: (1) the identity and capabilities of an entity, including the protocols and features it supports; and (2) the items associated with an entity, such as the list of rooms hosted at a multi-user chat service.
Основное Окончательное

XEP-0031 A Framework For Securing Jabber Conversations
Although the value and utility of contemporary instant messaging systems, like Jabber, are now indisputable, current security features to protect message data are generally inadequate for many deployments; this is particularly true in security conscious environments like large, commercial enterprises and government agencies. These current features suffer from issues of scalability, usability, and supported features. Furthermore, there is a lack of standardization.
We present a protocol to allow communities of Jabber users to apply cryptographic protection to selected conversation data.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0032 Jabber URI Scheme
A URI scheme for Jabber communications.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0033 Extended Stanza Addressing
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables entities to include RFC822-style address headers within XMPP stanzas in order to specify multiple recipients or sub-addresses.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0034 SASL Integration
NOTE WELL: this specification was retracted on 2003-11-05 since the topic is addressed definitively in XMPP Core. Please refer to XMPP Core for further information.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0035 SSL/TLS Integration
NOTE WELL: this specification was retracted on 2003-11-05 since the topic is addressed definitively in XMPP Core. Please refer to XMPP Core for further information.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0036 Pub-Sub Subscriptions
A proposal for the subscribe half of a publish-subscribe protocol within Jabber.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0037 DSPS - Data Stream Proxy Service
A proposal for proxy support in Jabber.
Основное Отклонённое

XEP-0038 Icon Styles
A protocol for specifying exchangeable styles of emoticons and genicons within Jabber IM clients.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0039 Statistics Gathering
A protocol to enable gathering statistics from Jabber servers and components.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0040 Jabber Robust Publish-Subscribe
Note: This proposal has been superseded by XEP-0060; please refer to that document for the successor protocol.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0041 Reliable Entity Link
Protocol for linking a bytestream between two Jabber entities.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0042 Jabber OOB Broadcast Service (JOBS)
A protocol for enabling uni-directional multicast data transfers out of band.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0043 Jabber Database Access
Expose RDBM systems directly to the jabber network
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0044 Full Namespace Support for XML Streams
A description of the use of namespaces within Jabber.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0045 Multi-User Chat
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for multi-user text chat, whereby multiple XMPP users can exchange messages in the context of a room or channel, similar to Internet Relay Chat (IRC). In addition to standard chatroom features such as room topics and invitations, the protocol defines a strong room control model, including the ability to kick and ban users, to name room moderators and administrators, to require membership or passwords in order to join the room, etc.
Основное Черновик

Direct TCP connection between two Jabber entities.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0047 In-Band Bytestreams
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables any two entities to establish a one-to-one bytestream between themselves, where the data is broken down into smaller chunks and transported in-band over XMPP.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0048 Bookmarks
This specification defines an XML data format for use by XMPP clients in storing bookmarks to mult-user chatrooms and web pages. The chatroom bookmarking function includes the ability to auto-join rooms on login.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0049 Private XML Storage
This specification provides canonical documentation of the 'jabber:iq:private' namespace currently in common usage.
Историческое Действующее

XEP-0050 Ad-Hoc Commands
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for advertising and executing application-specific commands, such as those related to a configuration workflow. Typically the commands contain data forms (XEP-0004) in order to structure the information exchange.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0051 Connection Transfer
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables a server to redirect connections from one connection manager or server node to another.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0052 File Transfer
A protocol for transferring a file between two Jabber IDs.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0053 XMPP Registrar Function
This document defines the roles and processes of the XMPP Registrar function within the XMPP Standards Foundation.
Процедурное Действующее

XEP-0054 vcard-temp
This specification provides canonical documentation of the vCard-XML format currently in use within the Jabber community.
Историческое Действующее

XEP-0055 Jabber Search
This specification provides canonical documentation of the jabber:iq:search namespace currently in use within the Jabber community.
Историческое Действующее

XEP-0056 Business Data Interchange
This document defines a way to transmit ebXML messages, ANSI X.11, EDIFACT/UN, and SAP iDoc over Jabber/XMPP.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0057 Extended Roster
This document defines a way to handle extended roster items.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0058 Multi-User Text Editing
This document defines how several people may simultaneously edit text.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0059 Result Set Management
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables an entity to page through and otherwise manage the receipt of large result sets. The protocol can be used in the context of any XMPP protocol that might send large result sets (such as service discovery, multi-user chat, and publish-subscribe). While the requesting entity in such an interaction can explicitly request the use of result set management, an indication that result set management is in use can also be proactively included by the responding entity when returning a limited result set in response to a query.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0060 Publish-Subscribe
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for generic publish-subscribe functionality. The protocol enables XMPP entities to create nodes (topics) at a pubsub service and publish information at those nodes; an event notification (with or without payload) is then broadcasted to all entities that have subscribed to the node. Pubsub therefore adheres to the classic Observer design pattern and can serve as the foundation for a wide variety of applications, including news feeds, content syndication, rich presence, geolocation, workflow systems, network management systems, and any other application that requires event notifications.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0061 Shared Notes
A simplistic mechanism for shared notes, modeled after common stickie note applications.
Информационное Отложенное

XEP-0062 Packet Filtering
A framework for packet filtering rules.
Информационное Отложенное

XEP-0063 Basic Filtering Operations
A module that provides basic conditions and actions for packet filtering.
Информационное Отложенное

XEP-0064 XPath Filtering
A module that provides an XPath matching condition for packet filtering.
Информационное Отложенное

XEP-0065 SOCKS5 Bytestreams
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for establishing an out-of-band bytestream between any two XMPP users, mainly for the purpose of file transfer. The bytestream can be either direct (peer-to-peer) or mediated (though a special-purpose proxy server). The typical transport protocol used is TCP, although UDP can optionally be supported as well.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0066 Out of Band Data
This specification defines two XMPP protocol extensions for communicating URIs, one for use in XMPP message stanzas and the other for use in a structured request-response interaction via XMPP IQ stanzas. Among other things, this enables one entity to inform another entity about a file that is available at an HTTP URL.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0067 Stock Data Transmission
This document specifies a data format for stock data distribution in the Jabber community.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0068 Field Standardization for Data Forms
This document specifies how to standardize field variables used in the context of jabber:x:data forms.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0069 Compliance SIG
A proposal to form a SIG devoted to issues related to protocol compliance.
Формирование SIG Отложенное

XEP-0070 Verifying HTTP Requests via XMPP
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables verification of an HTTP request via XMPP.
Основное Черновик

This specification defines an XHTML 1.0 Integration Set for use in exchanging instant messages that contain lightweight text markup. The protocol enables an XMPP entity to format a message using a small range of commonly-used HTML elements, attributes, and style properties that are suitable for use in instant messaging. The protocol also excludes HTML constructs that may introduce malware and other vulnerabilities (such as scripts and objects) for improved security.
Основное Черновик

This specification defines methods for transporting SOAP messages over XMPP. Although the protocol supports only the request-response message exchange pattern, the protocol is formally defined as a SOAP Protocol Binding in accordance with version 1.2 of the W3C SOAP specification. In addition, a WSDL definition is defined for the purpose of advertising the availability of this protocol binding.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0073 Basic IM Protocol Suite
This document defines a recommended suite of Jabber/XMPP protocols to be supported by basic instant messaging and presence applications. Note: This protocol suite has been obsoleted by XEP-0211 and XEP-0212.
Основное Отменённое

XEP-0074 Simple Access Control
A simple protocol for querying information for permissions.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0075 Jabber Object Access Protocol (JOAP)
The Jabber Object Access Protocol, or JOAP, defines a mechanism for creating Jabber-accessible object servers, and manipulating objects provided by those servers. It is intended for development of business applications with Jabber.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0076 Malicious Stanzas
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for flagging malicious stanzas.
Шуточное Действующее

XEP-0077 In-Band Registration
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for in-band registration with XMPP-based instant messaging servers and other services hosted on an XMPP network (such as groupchat rooms and gateways to non-XMPP IM services). The protocol is extensible via use of data forms, thus enabling services to gather a wide range of information during the registration process. The protocol also supports in-band password changes and cancellation of an existing registration.
Основное Окончательное

XEP-0078 Non-SASL Authentication
This document specifies a protocol for authentication with Jabber servers and services using the jabber:iq:auth namespace. Note Well: The protocol specified herein has been superseded in favor of SASL authentication as specified in RFC 3920, and is now obsolete.
Основное Отменённое

XEP-0079 Advanced Message Processing
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables entities to request, and servers to perform, advanced processing of XMPP message stanzas, including reliable data transport, time-sensitive delivery, and expiration of transient messages.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0080 User Location
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating information about the current geographical or physical location of an entity.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0081 Jabber MIME Type
This document specifies a MIME type for launching a Jabber client as a helper application from most modern web browsers, and for completing basic use cases once the client is launched.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0082 XMPP Date and Time Profiles
This document specifies a standardization of ISO 8601 profiles and their lexical representation for use in XMPP protocol extensions.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0083 Nested Roster Groups
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables nested sub-groups to exist within the Jabber roster, while retaining backwards compatibility and ensuring that the roster remains usable by all clients.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0084 User Avatar
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for exchanging user avatars, which are small images or icons associated with human users. The protocol specifies payload formats for both avatar metadata and the image data itself. The payload formats are typically transported using the personal eventing profile of XMPP publish-subscribe as specified in XEP-0163.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0085 Chat State Notifications
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating the status of a user in a chat session, thus indicating whether a chat partner is actively engaged in the chat, composing a message, temporarily paused, inactive, or gone. The protocol can be used in the context of a one-to-one chat session or a multi-user chat room.
Основное Окончательное

XEP-0086 Error Condition Mappings
A mapping to enable legacy entities to correctly handle errors from XMPP-aware entities.
Информационное Устаревшее

XEP-0087 Stream Initiation
A common method to initiate a stream with meta information
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0088 Client Webtabs
A protocol for displaying web-based tabs in clients.
Информационное Отложенное

XEP-0089 Generic Alerts
A protocol for generic alerts (similar to .NET Alerts service).
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0090 Legacy Entity Time
This specification provides historical documentation of the legacy jabber:iq:time namespace, which has been deprecated in favor the urn:xmpp:time namespace defined in XEP-0202.
Историческое Отменённое

XEP-0091 Legacy Delayed Delivery
This specification provides historical documentation of the legacy jabber:x:delay namespace, which has been deprecated in favor the urn:xmpp:delay namespace defined in XEP-0203.
Историческое Отменённое

XEP-0092 Software Version
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for retrieving information about the software application associated with an XMPP entity. The protocol enables one entity to explicitly query another entity, where the response can include the name of the software application, the version of the software application, and the operating system on which the application is running.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0093 Roster Item Exchange
This specification provides canonical documentation of the jabber:x:roster namespace historically used within the Jabber community. NOTE WELL: This specification has been superseded by XEP-0144.
Историческое Устаревшее

XEP-0094 Agent Information
This specification provides canonical documentation of the obsolete Agent Information namespace. Note: This document has been superseded by XEP-0030: Service Discovery.
Историческое Отменённое

XEP-0095 Stream Initiation
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for initiating a data stream between any two XMPP entities. The protocol includes the ability to include metadata about the stream and provides a pluggable framework so that various profiles of stream initiation can be defined for particular use cases (such as file transfer).
Основное Черновик

XEP-0096 SI File Transfer
This specification defines a profile of the XMPP stream initiation extension for transferring files between two entities. The protocol provides a modular framework that enables the exchange of information about the file to be transferred as well as the negotiation of parameters such as the transport to be used.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0097 iCal Envelope
A simple mechanism to transport iCal data over the jabber protocol
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0098 Enhanced Private XML Storage
Standardizes "private" XML data storage.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0099 IQ Query Action Protocol
Standardizes behavior of actions for generic query behavior.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0100 Gateway Interaction
This document specifies best practices for interactions between Jabber clients and client proxy gateways to legacy IM services.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0101 HTTP Authentication using Jabber Tickets
This document defines a protocol for authenticating HTTP requests using Jabber Tickets.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0102 Security Extensions
Security extensions for Jabber/XMPP.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0103 URL Address Information
This document defines a structure for providing information about an Uniform Resource Locator (URL), and a protocol signaling retrieval states.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0104 HTTP Scheme for URL Data
This document provides a schema description for detailed information about HTTP URLs.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0105 Tree Transfer Stream Initiation Profile
A profile describing meta-data for transferring trees of files using stream inititation.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0106 JID Escaping
This specification defines a mechanism that enables the display in Jabber Identifiers (JIDs) of characters disallowed by the Nodeprep profile of stringprep. Although these characters -- space, double quote, ampersand, single quote, forward slash, colon, less than, greater than, and at-sign -- cannot be included in XMPP node identifiers, JID Escaping provides a native XMPP escaping mechanism for these characters so that the displayed version of a Jabber Identifier can appear to include these characters. This mechanism can also be used to translate non-XMPP addreses into XMPP syntax, for example when gatewaying between XMPP and a non-XMPP communications technology such as email.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0107 User Mood
This specification defines a payload format for communicating information about user moods, such as whether a person is currently happy, sad, angy, or annoyed. The payload format is typically transported using the personal eventing protocol, a profile of XMPP publish-subscribe specified in XEP-0163.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0108 User Activity
This specification defines a payload format for communicating information about user activities, such as whether a person is currently working, travelling, or relaxing. The payload format is typically transported using the personal eventing protocol, a profile of XMPP publish-subscribe specified in XEP-0163.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0109 Out-of-Office Messages
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating out-of-office status.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0110 Generic Maps
A protocol for transport of generic maps (graphical displays of specific subsets of buddies).
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0111 A Transport for Initiating and Negotiating Sessions (TINS)
This document defined a SIP-compatible transport for initiating and negotiating sessions using SDP over XMPP.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0112 User Physical Location
This document defines a protocol for communicating information about the current physical location of a Jabber entity. NOTE WELL: The protocol defined herein has been folded into XEP-0080.
Основное Отменённое

XEP-0113 Simple Whiteboarding
A proposal for an extremely simple whiteboarding protocol over Jabber.
Информационное Отложенное

XEP-0114 Jabber Component Protocol
This specification documents the existing protocol used for communication between servers and "external" components over the Jabber network.
Историческое Действующее

XEP-0115 Entity Capabilities
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for broadcasting and dynamically discovering client, device, or generic entity capabilities. In order to minimize network impact, the transport mechanism is standard XMPP presence broadcast (thus forestalling the need for polling related to service discovery data), the capabilities information can be cached either within a session or across sessions, and the format has been kept as small as possible.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0116 Encrypted Session Negotiation
This document specifies an XMPP protocol extension for negotiating an end-to-end encrypted session.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0117 Intermediate IM Protocol Suite
This document defines a recommended suite of Jabber/XMPP protocols to be supported by intermediate instant messaging and presence applications. Note: This protocol suite has been obsoleted by XEP-0213 and XEP-0216.
Основное Отменённое

XEP-0118 User Tune
This specification defines a payload format for communicating information about music to which a user is listening, including the title, track number, collection, performer, composer, length, and user rating. The payload format is typically transported using the personal eventing protocol, a profile of XMPP publish-subscribe specified in XEP-0163.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0119 Extended Presence Protocol Suite
This document specifies a set of XMPP extensions that provide support for extended presence information. Note: This document has been retracted since its functionality is handled by XEP-0163.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0120 Infobits
NOTE: This proposal was retracted by the author on 2004-02-19.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0121 Dublin Core Infobits Mapping
NOTE: This proposal was retracted by the author on 2004-02-19.
Информационное Отозванное

XEP-0122 Data Forms Validation
This specification defines a backwards-compatible extension to the XMPP Data Forms protocol that enables applications to specify additional validation guidelines related to a form, such as validation of standard XML datatypes, application-specific datatypes, value ranges, and regular expressions.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0123 Entity Metadata
NOTE: This proposal was retracted by the author on 2004-02-19.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0124 Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH)
This specification defines a transport protocol that emulates the semantics of a long-lived, bidirectional TCP connection between two entities (such as a client and a server) by efficiently using multiple synchronous HTTP request/response pairs without requiring the use of frequent polling or chunked responses.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0125 vCard Infobits Mapping
NOTE: This proposal was retracted by the author on 2004-02-19.
Информационное Отозванное

XEP-0126 Invisibility
This specification defines best practices regarding implementation of invisible presence by means of XMPP privacy lists.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0127 Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Over XMPP
This document specifies a method for sending Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) data over XMPP.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0128 Service Discovery Extensions
This document specifies best practices for including extended information in Service Discovery results.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0129 WebDAV File Transfers
This document specifies a method for completing file transfers between XMPP entities using WebDAV.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0130 Waiting Lists
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables a user to add a non-IM user to a waiting list and be informed when the contact creates an IM account.
Историческое Действующее

XEP-0131 Stanza Headers and Internet Metadata
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for representing non-address-related headers in an XML format that is appropriate for use in XMPP. While the protocol provides a flexible mechanism for representing many kinds of standard Internet metadata, a registry of values is defined to structure the possible range of headers, and the inital registration includes headers from email, HTTP, MIME, and SIP.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0132 Presence Obtained via Kinesthetic Excitation (POKE)
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables probing for presence via physical rather than electronic means.
Шуточное Действующее

XEP-0133 Service Administration
This document defines recommended best practices for service-level administration of servers and components using Ad-Hoc Commands.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0134 XMPP Design Guidelines
This document defines best practices for the intelligent design of Jabber protocols and other XMPP extensions.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0135 File Sharing
This document specifies a simple extension to existing protocols for file sharing over Jabber/XMPP.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0136 Message Archiving
This document defines mechanisms and preferences for the server-side archiving and retrieval of XMPP messages.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0137 Publishing Stream Initiation Requests
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables an XMPP entity to advertise the fact that it is willing accept a particular Stream Initiation request. The protocol is used mainly to inform other entities that a particular file is available for transfer via the File Transfer protocol defined in XEP-0096.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0138 Stream Compression
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for negotiating compression of XML streams, especially in situations where standard TLS compression cannot be negotiated. The protocol provides a modular framework that can accommodate a wide range of compression algorithms; the ZLIB compression algorithm is mandatory-to-implement, but implementations may support other algorithms in addition.
Основное Окончательное

XEP-0139 Security SIG
This document proposes the formation of a Special Interest Group devoted to the analysis of security threats related to Jabber technologies.
Формирование SIG Отозванное

XEP-0140 Shared Groups
This document defines a protocol profile for centrally defined and administered roster groups; the protocol described herein has been retracted in favor of XEP-0144: Roster Item Exchange.
Информационное Отозванное

XEP-0141 Data Forms Layout
This specification defines a backwards-compatible extension to the XMPP Data Forms protocol that enables an application to specify form layouts, including the layout of form fields, sections within pages, and subsections within sections.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0142 Workgroup Queues
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables a user to communicate with a representative of an organization, department, or workgroup.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0143 Guidelines for Authors of XMPP Extension Protocols
This document provides information intended to assist authors of XMPP Extension Protocols.
Процедурное Действующее

XEP-0144 Roster Item Exchange
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for exchanging contact list items, including the ability to suggest whether the item is to be added, deleted, or modified in the contact list of the recipient, as well as the suggested roster group for the item.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0145 Annotations
This document defines a protocol for making annotations about roster items and other entities.
Историческое Действующее

XEP-0146 Remote Controlling Clients
This document specifies recommended best practices for remote controlling clients using Ad-Hoc Commands.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0147 XMPP URI Scheme Query Components
This document defines a registry of query components to be used in the context of XMPP IRIs/URIs and also specifies an initial submission of values to that registry.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0148 Instant Messaging Intelligence Quotient (IM IQ)
This specification provides canonical documentation of the jabber:iq:iq namespace.
Шуточное Действующее

XEP-0149 Time Periods
This document defines a method to specify the valid time periods for states, events, and activities communicated via Jabber/XMPP protocols.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0150 Use of Entity Tags in XMPP Extensions
This document defines best practices for the use of Entity Tags in XMPP extensions.
Информационное Отложенное

XEP-0151 Virtual Presence
This document proposes extensions to the Jabber groupchat protocol for virtual presence on Web pages.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0152 Reachability Addresses
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating reachability information related to non-XMPP devices.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0153 vCard-Based Avatars
This document provides historical documentation of a vCard-based protocol for exchanging user avatars.
Историческое Действующее

XEP-0154 User Profile
This document specifies how to represent and manage profile data about IM users and other XMPP entities using the XMPP Data Forms extension.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0155 Stanza Session Negotiation
This specification defines a method for formally negotiating the exchange of XML stanzas between two XMPP entities. The method uses feature negotiation forms sent via XMPP message stanzas to enable session initiation between entities that do not share presence information or have knowledge of full JabberIDs and therefore is also suitable for use across gateways to SIP-based systems. A wide range of session parameters can be negotiated, including the use of end-to-end encryption, chat state notifications, XHTML-IM formatting, and message archiving.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0156 Discovering Alternative XMPP Connection Methods
This document defines a DNS TXT Resource Record format for use in discovering alternative methods of connecting to an XMPP server.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0157 Contact Addresses for XMPP Services
This document defines a method for specifying contact addresses related to an XMPP service.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0158 CAPTCHA Forms
This document specifies an XMPP protocol extension that entities may use to discover whether the sender of an XML stanza is a human user or a robot.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0159 Spim-Blocking Control
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables clients to control how their servers may block spim that is addressed to them. It specifies a default privacy list fall-through action.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0160 Best Practices for Handling Offline Messages
This document specifies best practices to be followed by Jabber/XMPP servers in handling messages sent to recipients who are offline.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0161 Abuse Reporting
This document specifies an XMPP protocol extension for reporting abusive XMPP stanzas. NOTE: This specification has been superseded by XEP-0268.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0162 Best Practices for Roster and Subscription Management
This document specifies best practices for roster and subscription management in Jabber/XMPP clients.
Информационное Отложенное

XEP-0163 Personal Eventing Protocol
This specification defines semantics for using the XMPP publish-subscribe protocol to broadcast state change events associated with an instant messaging and presence account. This profile of pubsub therefore enables a standard XMPP user account to function as a virtual pubsub service, easing the discovery of syndicated data and event notifications associated with such an account.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0164 vCard Filtering
This document specifies a mechanism for requesting specific sections of a vCard.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0165 Best Practices to Discourage JID Mimicking
This document recommends best practices to discourage mimicking of Jabber IDs.
Информационное Отложенное

XEP-0166 Jingle
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for initiating and managing peer-to-peer media sessions between two XMPP entities in a way that is interoperable with existing Internet standards. The protocol provides a pluggable model that enables the core session management semantics (compatible with SIP) to be used for a wide variety of application types (e.g., voice chat, video chat, file transfer) and with a wide variety of transport methods (e.g., TCP, UDP, ICE, application-specific transports).
Основное Черновик

XEP-0167 Jingle RTP Sessions
This specification defines a Jingle application type for negotiating one or more sessions that use the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) to exchange media such as voice or video. The application type includes a straightforward mapping to Session Description Protocol (SDP) for interworking with SIP media endpoints.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0168 Resource Application Priority
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension to indicate the presence priority of XMPP resources for applications other than standard XMPP messaging.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0169 Twas The Night Before Christmas (Jabber Version)
The classic Christmas poem annotated with XMPP protocols.
Шуточное Действующее

XEP-0170 Recommended Order of Stream Feature Negotiation
This document specifies a recommended order for negotiation of XMPP stream features.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0171 Language Translation
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for providing language translation facilities over XMPP. It supports human, machine, client-based, and server-based translations.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0172 User Nickname
This specification defines a protocol for communicating user nicknames, either in XMPP presence subscription requests or in XMPP messages.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0173 Pubsub Subscription Storage
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for storing subscriptions to Pubsub nodes.
Историческое Отложенное

XEP-0174 Serverless Messaging
This specification defines how to communicate over local or wide-area networks using the principles of zero-configuration networking for endpoint discovery and the syntax of XML streams and XMPP messaging for real-time communication. This method uses DNS-based Service Discovery and Multicast DNS to discover entities that support the protocol, including their IP addresses and preferred ports. Any two entities can then negotiate a serverless connection using XML streams in order to exchange XMPP message and IQ stanzas.
Основное Окончательное

XEP-0175 Best Practices for Use of SASL ANONYMOUS
This document specifies best practices for use of the SASL ANONYMOUS mechanism in the context of client authentication with an XMPP server.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0176 Jingle ICE-UDP Transport Method
This specification defines a Jingle transport method that results in sending media data using raw datagram associations via the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). This transport method is negotiated via the Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) methodology, which provides robust NAT traversal for media traffic.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0177 Jingle Raw UDP Transport Method
This specification defines a Jingle transport method that results in sending media data using raw datagram associations via the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). This simple transport method does not provide NAT traversal, and the ICE-UDP transport method should be used if NAT traversal is required.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0178 Best Practices for Use of SASL EXTERNAL with Certificates
This document specifies best practices for XMPP usage of the SASL EXTERNAL mechanism in the context of X.509 certificates.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0179 Jingle IAX Transport Method
This document defines a Jingle transport method that results in using the Inter-Asterisk eXchange protocol (IAX) for the final communication.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0180 Jingle Video via RTP
This specification defines a Jingle application type for negotiating a video chat or other video session. The application type uses the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) for the underlying media exchange and provides a straightforward mapping to Session Description Protocol (SDP) for interworking with SIP media endpoints.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0181 Jingle DTMF
This specification defines an XML format for encapsulating Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) events in informational messages sent within the context of Jingle audio sessions, e.g. to be used in the context of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems. Note well that this format is not to be used in the context of RTP sessions, where native RTP methods are to be used instead.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0182 Application-Specific Error Conditions
This document defines a registry of application-specific error conditions.
Процедурное Действующее

XEP-0183 Jingle Telepathy Transport
This document defines a telepathic transport method for establishing Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP) streams.
Шуточное Действующее

XEP-0184 Message Receipts
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for message receipts, whereby the sender of a message can request notification that it has been received by the intended recipient.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0185 Dialback Key Generation and Validation
This document provides a recommended method for generating and validating the keys used in the XMPP server dialback protocol.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0186 Invisible Command
This document specifies an XMPP-compatible protocol for user invisibility.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0187 Offline Encrypted Sessions
This document specifies an end-to-end encryption protocol for offline XMPP communication sessions.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0188 Cryptographic Design of Encrypted Sessions
This document describes the cryptographic design that underpins the XMPP protocol extensions Encrypted Session Negotiation, Offline Encrypted Sessions and Stanza Encryption.
Информационное Отложенное

XEP-0189 Public Key Publishing
This specification defines a method by which an entity can publish its public keys over XMPP.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0190 Best Practice for Closing Idle Streams
This document specifies a best practice for closing an XML stream that is perceived to be idle.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0191 Simple Communications Blocking
This document specifies an XMPP protocol extension for simple communications blocking.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0192 Proposed Stream Feature Improvements
This document proposes improvements to the XML stream features definition for inclusion in the specification that supersedes RFC 3920.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0193 Proposed Resource Binding Improvements
This document proposes improvements to the definition of resource binding for inclusion in the specification that supersedes RFC 3920.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0194 User Chatting
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating information about the chatrooms a user visits.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0195 User Browsing
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating information about the web pages a user visits.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0196 User Gaming
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating information about the games a user plays.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0197 User Viewing
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating information about the television shows, movies, or other videos that a user watches.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0198 Stream Management
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for active management of an XML stream between two XMPP entities, including features for stanza acknowledgements, stream resumption, and throttling notifications.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0199 XMPP Ping
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for sending application-level pings over XML streams. Such pings can be sent from a client to a server, from one server to another, or end-to-end.
Основное Окончательное

XEP-0200 Stanza Encryption
This document specifies an XMPP protocol extension for session-based stanza encryption.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0201 Best Practices for Message Threads
This specification defines recommended handling of XMPP message threads.
Информационное Предложенное

XEP-0202 Entity Time
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating the local time of an entity, including the time in UTC according to the entity as well as the offset from UTC. The time format itself conforms to the dateTime profile of ISO 8601 defined in XEP-0082.
Основное Окончательное

XEP-0203 Delayed Delivery
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating the fact that an XML stanza has been delivered with a delay, for example because a message has been stored on a server while the intended recipient was offline or because a message is contained in the history of a multi-user chat room.
Основное Окончательное

XEP-0204 Collaborative Data Objects
This document specifies an XMPP protocol extension that supports the exchange of structured data objects.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0205 Best Practices to Discourage Denial of Service Attacks
This document recommends a number of practices that can help discourage denial of service attacks on XMPP-based networks.
Информационное Действующее

This specification defines how the Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH) technology can be used to transport XMPP stanzas. The result is an HTTP binding for XMPP communications that is useful in situations where a device or client is unable to maintain a long-lived TCP connection to an XMPP server.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0207 XMPP Eventing via Pubsub
This document specifies semantics for using the XMPP publish-subscribe protocol to handle generic XMPP events (including presence, one-to-one messaging, and groupchat).
Шуточное Действующее

XEP-0208 Bootstrapping Implementation of Jingle
This document provides guidelines to XMPP client developers for bootstrapping implementation of Jingle technologies.
Информационное Отозванное

XEP-0209 Metacontacts
This document specifies an XMPP protocol extension for defining metacontacts and grouping member JIDs.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0210 Requirements for Encrypted Sessions
This document describes the requirements for an XMPP end-to-end encrypted session protocol.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0211 XMPP Basic Client 2008
This document defines the XMPP Basic Client 2008 compliance level.
Основное Отменённое

XEP-0212 XMPP Basic Server 2008
This document defines the XMPP Basic Server 2008 compliance level.
Основное Отменённое

XEP-0213 XMPP Intermediate IM Client 2008
This document defines the XMPP Intermediate IM Client 2008 compliance level.
Основное Отменённое

XEP-0214 File Repository and Sharing
While a protocol has been described for initiating a file transfer from one user to another, there is not yet a defined way for users to designate a set of files as available for retrieval by other users of their choosing. This extension defines a common syntax for this purpose which is based on PubSub Collections.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0215 External Service Discovery
This document specifies an XMPP protocol extension for discovering services external to the XMPP network.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0216 XMPP Intermediate IM Server 2008
This document defines the XMPP Intermedate IM Server 2008 compliance level.
Основное Отменённое

XEP-0217 Simplified Encrypted Session Negotiation
This document specifies a minimal subset of the Encrypted Session Negotiation protocol sufficent for negotiating an end-to-end encrypted session.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0218 Bootstrapping Implementation of Encrypted Sessions
This document provides guidelines to client and library developers for bootstrapping implementation of the encrypted sessions technology.
Информационное Отложенное

XEP-0219 Hop Check
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables an entity to check the security of client-to-server and server-to-server hops between it and another entity. Note: This specification has been retracted by the author because the problem is not compelling and a real solution would be too complicated.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0220 Server Dialback
This specification defines the Server Dialback protocol, which is used between XMPP servers to provide identity verification. Server Dialback uses the Domain Name System (DNS) as the basis for verifying identity; the basic approach is that when a receiving server accepts a server-to-server connection from an originating server, it does not process traffic over the connection until it has verified a key with an authoritative server for the domain asserted by the originating server. Although Server Dialback does not provide strong authentication or trusted federation and although it is subject to DNS poisoning attacks, it has effectively prevented most instances of address spoofing on the XMPP network since its development in the year 2000.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0221 Data Forms Media Element
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for including media data in XEP-0004 data forms.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0222 Persistent Storage of Public Data via PubSub
This specification defines best practices for using the XMPP publish-subscribe extension to persistently store semi-public data objects such as public keys and personal profiles.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0223 Persistent Storage of Private Data via PubSub
This specification defines best practices for using the XMPP publish-subscribe extension to persistently store private information such as bookmarks and client configuration options.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0224 Attention
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for getting the attention of another user.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0225 Component Connections
This document specifies a standards-track XMPP protocol extension that enables server components to connect to XMPP servers.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0226 Message Stanza Profiles
This document specifies best practices for generating and handling extended content in XMPP message stanzas.
Информационное Предложенное

XEP-0227 Portable Import/Export Format for XMPP-IM Servers
This document specifies a file format for importing and exporting user data to and from XMPP-IM servers.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0228 Requirements for Shared Editing
This document defines requirements for the design of XMPP-based shared editing protocols.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0229 Stream Compression with LZW
This document specifies how to use the LZW algorithm in XML stream compression.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0230 Service Discovery Notifications
This specification defines a method for requesting and receiving notifications regarding XMPP service discovery items.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0231 Bits of Binary
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for including or referring to small bits of binary data in an XML stanza.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0232 Software Information
This document specifies an extended data format whereby XMPP service discovery responses can include detailed information about the software application that powers a given XMPP entity for includion in service discovery responses.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0233 Domain-Based Service Names in XMPP SASL Negotiation
This specification defines a method by which a connection manager associated with an XMPP server can inform a connecting client about its domain-based service name.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0234 Jingle File Transfer
This specification defines a Jingle application type for transferring files between two entities. The protocol provides a modular framework that enables the exchange of information about the file to be transferred as well as the negotiation of parameters such as the transport to be used.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0235 OAuth Over XMPP
This specification defines an XMPP extension for delegating access to protected resources over XMPP, using the OAuth protocol.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0236 Abuse Reporting
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for reporting abusive traffic sent over an XMPP network. Note: This specification has been retracted in favor of XEP-0161, which now contains the content originally published in this specification.
Основное Отозванное

XEP-0237 Roster Versioning
This specification defines a proposed modification to the XMPP roster protocol that enables versioning of rosters such that the server will not send the roster to the client if the roster has not been modified, thus saving bandwidth during session establishment.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0238 XMPP Protocol Flows for Inter-Domain Federation
This specification provides detailed protocol flows for the establishment of communication between domains that provide XMPP services, including permutations for a wide variety of possible federation policies.
Информационное Отложенное

XEP-0239 Binary XMPP
This specification defines Binary XMPP, an obviously superior representation of the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).
Шуточное Действующее

XEP-0240 Auto-Discovery of JabberIDs
This specification defines a recommended best practice for linking to JabberIDs from documents hosted on the World Wide Web.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0241 Encryption of Archived Messages
This specification defines methods for encrypting messages that are archived at an XMPP server.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0242 XMPP Client Compliance 2009
This document defines XMPP client compliance levels for 2009.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0243 XMPP Server Compliance 2009
This document defines XMPP server compliance levels for 2009.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0244 IO Data
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for handling the input to and output from a remote entity.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0245 The /me Command
This specification defines recommended handling of the /me command in XMPP instant messaging clients.
Информационное Действующее

XEP-0246 End-to-End XML Streams
This specification defines methods for communicating via end-to-end XML streams over a logical or physical connection that provides a reliable transport between two endpoints.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0247 Jingle XML Streams
This specification defines a Jingle application type for establishing direct or mediated XML streams between two entities over any streaming transport. This technology thus enables two entities to establish a trusted connection for end-to-end encryption or for bypassing server limits on large volumes of XMPP traffic.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0248 PubSub Collection Nodes
This specification defines the nature and handling of collection nodes in the XMPP publish-subscribe extension.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0249 Direct MUC Invitations
This specification defines a method for inviting a contact to a multi-user chat room directly, instead of sending the invitation through the chat room.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0250 C2C Authentication Using TLS
This document describes how to negotiate TLS extensions when using TLS for end-to-end XML streams between two clients. It covers X.509 certificates with an without CA, the use of OpenPGP, Shared Remote Passwords (SRP) and how to use one extension to bootstrap a trust relationship.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0251 Jingle Session Transfer
This specification defines an extension to XMPP Jingle for transferring a session (such as a voice call) from one person to another.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0252 BOSH Script Syntax
This specification provides historical documentation regarding the "alternative script syntax" first defined in Version 1.6 of XEP-0124.
Историческое Отложенное

XEP-0253 PubSub Chaining
This specification defines a method for chaining pubsub nodes together, resulting in lightweight repeaters for pubsub notifications.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0254 PubSub Queueing
This specification defines an extension to XMPP publish-subscribe for queueing information at a node.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0255 Location Query
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for querying a compliant server or service for information about the geographical or physical location of an entity.
Основное Предложенное

XEP-0256 Last Activity in Presence
This specification defines a way to use the Last Activity extension in XMPP presence notifications.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0257 Client Certificate Management for SASL EXTERNAL
This specification defines a method to manage client certificates that can be used with SASL External to allow clients to log in without a password.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0258 Security Labels in XMPP
This document describes the use of security labels in XMPP. The document specifies how security label metadata is carried in XMPP, when this metadata should or should not be provided, and how the metadata is to be processed.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0259 Message Mine-ing
In servers that deliver messages intended for the bare JID to all resources, the resource that claims a conversation notifies all of the other resources of that claim.
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XEP-0260 Jingle SOCKS5 Bytestreams Transport Method
This specification defines a Jingle transport method that results in sending data via the SOCKS5 Bytestreams (S5B) protocol defined in XEP-0065. Essentially this transport method reuses XEP-0065 semantics for sending the data and defines native Jingle methods for starting and ending an S5B session.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0261 Jingle In-Band Bytestreams Transport Method
This specification defines a Jingle transport method that results in sending data via the In-Band Bytestreams (IBB) protocol defined in XEP-0047. Essentially this transport method reuses XEP-0047 semantics for sending the data and defines native Jingle methods for starting and ending an IBB session.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0262 Use of ZRTP in Jingle RTP Sessions
This specification defines a Jingle application type for negotiating one or more sessions that use the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) to exchange media such as voice or video. The application type includes a straightforward mapping to Session Description Protocol (SDP) for interworking with SIP media endpoints.
Основное Экспериментальное

This specification defines best practices and protocol modifications that will reduce the energy consumption of XMPP systems and thereby help to save the planet.
Шуточное Действующее

XEP-0264 File Transfer Thumbnails
This specification defines a way for a client supply a preview image for a file transfer.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0265 Out-of-Band Stream Data
This specification defines how to send parts of an XML stream over a direct connection between peers. This allows to send large stanzas or binary data without blocking the XML stream for other stanzas.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0266 Codecs for Jingle RTP Sessions
This document describes implementation considerations related to voice and video codecs for use in Jingle RTP sessions.
Информационное Экспериментальное

XEP-0267 Server Rosters
This specification defines a convention for trust between XMPP server deployments.
Основное Отложенное

XEP-0268 Incident Reporting
This specification defines methods for incident reporting among XMPP server deployments.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0269 Jingle Early Media
This specification describes methods for exchanging early media in the context of Jingle RTP sessions.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0270 XMPP Compliance Suites 2010
This document defines XMPP protocol compliance levels for 2010.
Основное Черновик

XEP-0271 XMPP Nodes
This specification more clearly defines the nature of nodes as used in the Service Discovery and Publish-Subscribe extensions to the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).
Информационное Отложенное

XEP-0272 Multiparty Jingle (Muji)
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for initiating and managing multiparty voice and video conferences within an XMPP MUC
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0273 Stanza Interception and Filtering Technology
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables a client to exercise control over the XML stanzas it will receive from the server by instructing the server to intercept and filter inbound stanzas.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0274 Design Considerations for Digital Signatures in XMPP
This document discusses considerations for the design of Digital Signatures in XMPP, including use cases and requirements. The document also discusses various ways XML Digital Signatures could be used in XMPP.
Информационное Экспериментальное

XEP-0275 Entity Reputation
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating the reputation of any entity on the network.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0276 Temporary Presence Sharing
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables a user to send directed presence with a request for the target to also share presence information for the duration of a communications session.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0277 Microblogging over XMPP
This specification defines a method for microblogging over XMPP.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0278 Jingle Relay Nodes
This documents specifies how Jingle Clients can interact with Jingle Relay Nodes Services and how XMPP entities can provide, search and list available Jingle Relay Nodes.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0279 Server IP Check
This specification defines a simple XMPP extension that enables a client to discover its external IP address.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0280 Message Carbons
In order to keep all IM clients for a user engaged in a conversation, outbound messages are carbon-copied to all interested resources.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0281 DMUC1: Distributed Multi-User Chat
This document defines methods for distributing Multi-User Chat (MUC) rooms across multiple chat services.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0282 DMUC2: Distributed MUC
Multi-User Chats, distributed over several nodes in the XMPP network, using a master/slave architecture
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XEP-0283 Moved
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables a user to inform its contacts about a change in JID.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0284 Shared XML Editing
This specification defines a protocol that enables two or more endpoints to collaboratively edit an XML object. The protocol is intended for use mainly over the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP), either by existing instant messaging clients or by specialized editing clients. However, the protocol could also be used over a direct TCP connection rather than over XMPP.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0285 Digital Signatures in XMPP
This document provides a technical specification for Digital Signatures in the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0286 XMPP on Mobile Devices
This document provides background information for XMPP implementors concerned with mobile devices operating in a cellular network such as 3G.
Информационное Экспериментальное

XEP-0287 Spim Markers and Reports
This document defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables XMPP entities to interact with spim filters by marking unsolicited or suspicious XMPP stanzas.
Основное Экспериментальное

XEP-0288 Bidirectional Server-to-Server Connections
This specification defines a protocol for using server-to-server connections in a bidirectional way such that stanzas are sent and received on the same TCP connection.
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