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Современная версия Habahaba
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Разработчик — Binary и Ко.
История названия
Перевод названия дан в начале статьи, где эпиграфом идет цитата из англо-русского словаря.
Исторически название позаимствовано из массовой разговорной культуры, куда оно в свою очередь попало из оригинальной телевизионной рекламы газированного напитка Айрн-Брю (рекламная кампания пришлась на 1999 год), где были задействованы анимированные страусы и пингвины во льдинах. Причем, использование слогана Haba-haba это находка русской компании, создававшей рекламные ролики, а не официальный девиз или промо-фраза компании-производителя данного напитка.
Никакого влияния на выбор названия сайт Habrahabr.ru не оказал. Кроме того, первый вариант сервиса появился примерно в то же время (2006-2007), что и Habrahabr.ru.
S2x1YmVyICg3LTEyKSB3YXMgYXMgc3Ryb25nIGFzIGhlJiM4MjE3O3MgYmVlbiBhbGwgc2Vhc29u <a href=http://www.bootsuggcheap.us.com/>ugg boots</a> Massa, who held cabinet and elective posts before breaking with Fernandez, has tried to distinguish himself by promising to jail corrupt politicians. His showing put him in a strong position to be a kingmaker or spoiler candidate. p <a href=http://www.rosherunshoes.com.co/>www.rosherunshoes.com.co</a> "Clive Betts, its Labour chairman, said.." This just had to be another Labour-led, tax-raising measure. "There is no hard and fast rule that they will automatically use this flexibility to increase their council tax rates, but, if they do, they should be free to do so". It's almost certain that increasing rates is exactly what Labour councils like Darlington will do. Council tax doubled under the last Labour government, and Darlington Labour is still increasing council tax now by the maximum amount permitted each year. "the unfairness of people in the highest-banded properties paying 鈥渘o more than three times the tax of those in the lowest鈥?" Do those living in higher-banded properties earn 3 times as much? Maybe, but probably not. Do they receive 3 times as much in council services? Certainly not, they probably receive less. But this barmy bunch think an even higher level of wealth tax is 'fair'? Crazy. "If the citizens of New York, Frankfurt and Tokyo can be trusted with tax-raising powers.." Misleading spin. It's councils that will have this power, not 'citizens'. The idea that councils are accountable to their 'citizens' is also misleading. People cast their vote on many issues, not just one. And the reality is that Labour councils will take a view as to how their vote will be impacted by raising the tax on higher-banded properties, and if the numbers are such that they will still get elected by those in lower-banded properties, then they will just raise the tax and there's nothing those affected can do about it. Surely the fairest, most democratic way is for parties to be required to spell out to voters in advance of a local election exactly what it's council tax proposals are, and then be legally required to stick to them if they are elected. Not just be left free to increase taxes willy-nilly whenever they want, with the slight chance they may be held accountable for it once every 4 or 5 years. <a href=http://www.coachfactoryoutlet.click/>Coach Factory</a> The government has initiated measures to step up the procurement of vegetables from domestic farmers to match the hike in demand during the Onam festival season. YXJuYXRpb24uIFRoZSBmaXJzdCBzZW50ZW5jZSByZWFkcywgJiM4MjIwO0lmIGl0JiM4MjE3O3Mg <a href=http://www.oakleysunglasses.in.net/>cheap oakley sunglasses</a> Another painting, this one referencing the erotic prints of Utamuro Shoen, shows an emphatically copulating couple astride a flying horse-dog creature, their limbs entwined, robust and tawny skin contrasted against powdered pale white. The figures fly over a landscape of naked fruit trees and elicits the undeniable whiff of kinkiness that Reid remarks on in the show. That they remained in the collection of the artist makes sense, as they are personal salutes to artists he respected but are also full of the mischievous naughtiness of his own world. g <a href=http://www.monclerjacketsonline.us.com/>moncler outlet</a> 鈥淲e鈥檝e got to go on another good run. Like every team near the top, if you don鈥檛 have a good long run then you won鈥檛 give yourself a chance of finishing in the top places. <a href=http://www.bootsuggcheap.us.com/>Cheap Uggs</a> Topworth Urja and Metals Ltd emerged as the highest bidder for the Marki Mangli 1 coal block in Maharashtra, while Crest Steel bid the most for the Bhaskarpara mines in Chhatisgarh on first day, on Tuesday, of the third round of auction of coal mines, cancelled last year by the Supreme Court. "Bhaskarpara closed at Rs.755. Highest bidder is Crest Steel and Power," the coal ministry said in a message at the close of the first day of auctions. "Topworth Urja and Metal highest bidder at 715 for Marki Mangli 1 Coal Block," Coal Secretary Anil Swarup tweeted. "Both blocks cross 600. Bidding still on. Status at 1500 hours," he said earlier. Commenting on the "Status of coal block auction at 1300 hours", Swarup said: "Bidding goes beyond initial stipulated time of two hours." After clearing the technical bidding stage, Jindal Steel and Power, Crest Steel and Power, Godawari Natural Resources, Grace Industries, Lloyds Metals and Energy and Topworth Urja and Metals became eligible to bid for these two blocks. Marki Mangli-I mine, with of 9.96 million tonnes (MT), was unsold in the previous round. Bhaskarpara's extractable reserves are 24.06 MT. Chitarpur mine in Jharkhand will be up for bidding on Wednesday while Parbatpur Central in Jharkhand and Majra in Maharashtra are scheduled for Thursday. The schedule for the auction of Jamkhani coal mine in Odisha will be announced at a later date due to a case in the Delhi High Court case, said the coal ministry website. The government last week released the list of technical bidders for the first five coal mines up for bidding in the third phase. "The e-auction of these mines is proposed to be held from August 11-17, 2015 and the process of allocation is scheduled to be completed by September 2015," Power and Coal Minister Piyush Goyal told the Lok Sabha recently in a written reply. The auction of 10 mines will take place in this round, including six offered earlier but which failed to find takers. The mines up for auction are all "captive" category, for use by the unregulated sector to manufacture products like cement, aluminium, steel and iron. The government informed parliament last month of the auction of these 10 coal mines holding 858.19 million tonnes of geological reserves and 356.26 million tonnes of extractable reserves. Two of the 10 coal blocks belong to schedule II (mines that were operational when the allocations were cancelled last year) while the remaining are schedule III mines (those that were nearly operational when the allocations were cancelled). Making one change to the auction rules in this round, the government will treat multiple bids from one company as a single bid. Earlier, two or more bids from an entity were treated as separate bids. The auctions so far, following the cancellation of 204 blocks by the Supreme Court in September last, have garnered around Rs.200,000 crore revenue for the states, Goyal said. Apart from an estimated revenue of Rs.1,71,961 crore from 29 coal mines already auctioned, royalty of Rs.20,620 crore and upfront payment of Rs.930 crore accrues to the states, the minister added. --Indo-Asian News Service bc/vd( 538 Words)2015-08-11-20:29:44 (IANS) a bml0eSBEZXZlbG9wbWVudCBCbG9jayBHcmFudCBwcm9ncmFtLCBhIGZsZXhpYmxlIGZ1bmRpbmcg <a href=http://www.glassesoakley.us.com/>replica oakley sunglasses</a> Having equalised shortly before half-time, Newcastle claimed the lead three minutes after the interval, although their advantage owed as much to a sensational save from Krul as it did to Wijnaldum鈥檚 superb header. <a href=http://www.outletmichael-kors.us.com/>www.outletmichael-kors.us.com</a> In her mid 20s, she went to Paris to study at Le Cordon Bleu, which, at the time, she says, was "pretty phoney" - and she was "lonely", living in a hostel on the city's South Bank. 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As one of15 directors inthat theater's now-legendary production of Moscow, theOpen City, atheatrical almanac consisting of15 short plays written byvarious writers anddirected byvarious directors, Ageyev produced Andrei Vishnevsky's 10-minute piece Moskausee. This strange andmoving piece about what Moscow would be like today if theGermans had won World War II was one ofthe most striking ofthe 15 segments. Josh Lambo, who was the goalkeeper at Middleton High School in 2005 but eventually gave up soccer to pursue a football career, agreed to a free-agent deal with the Chargers. <a href=http://www.jacketscanadagoose.us.com/>canada goose sale</a> Countries such as Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore already have substantial migrant populations. Some migrants are legal workers, brought in to fill jobs locals don t want. There are also significant numbers of undocumented migrants across the region, a group susceptible to exploitation and human trafficking. 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